The Compassionate Listening Project (TCLP) endeavors to bring compassion to individuals and communities and to create cultures of peace and healing. We accomplish this through workshops, facilitator training, listening journeys and partnerships with humanitarian, social justice and peace-building groups. These offerings cultivate practices that hold courageous and generative space to bring people together across differences.

Guided by our commitment to listen and speak from the heart, we cultivate a living culture that grounds TCLP’s vision, principles, practices, and values. This culture embraces human dignity, equity, and inclusivity, as we aspire to expand our ability to authentically see each other as human beings. We humbly believe that this journey is a continual process of learning and unlearning.

Katie is a certified facilitator for the Compassionate Listening Project. Formerly an English Language Arts instructor for colleges in Washington State, Katie developed The Listening Tree Project (LTP), an academic program that introduced Compassionate Listening and interactive theatre as across-the-curriculum tools to increase multicultural understanding and to create citizens of the world. LTP promoted a climate of equality, justice, and respect for all people, and facilitated student leadership development. Today, she runs compassionate listening workshops and a dog training business titled “Compassionate Communication with Your Dog.”